En/Disable Commands - Navigate through your Link Protection
/enable-[list] - Activate Protection
/disable-[list] - Deactivate Protection
List: [Google, Youtube, Twitch, All, NSFW, Bitly, Invite, Gif, Nitro]
NSFW: Pornographic links All: All Links
En/Disable Roles, Members, Channels
/enable-role @role - Set roles from which the bot should not delete links.
/disable-role @role - Set roles from which the bot should delete links.
/enable-member @member - Set member from which the bot should not delete links.
/disable-member @member - Set member from which the bot should delete links.
/enable-channel #channel - Set channel from which the bot should not delete links.
/disable-member #channel - Set channel from which the bot should delete links.
Warnsystem Commands
/warn-dashboard - See your settings, how many warnings are needed to be kicked/banned from the server.
/warn-log #channel - Create a channel for playing back warnings.
/warn-log 0 - Delete your warn log channel
/warn-kick - Set the number of warnings until the user is kicked from the server.
/warn-ban - Set the number of warnings until the user is banned from the server.
/warn @member (for reason) - Warn a user for a reason
/warnings @member - See all warnings of a user
/warn-delete @member - Delete all warnings of a user
Other Commands
/bug-report - Report a bug to the bot programmer or give feedback
/uptime - See How long the bot has been online since the last Update
/privace-policy - See unnessesary Stuff (you really dont have to read it)
/git - Get older versions of the python source code
/invite - Invite Link Protect in your own server!
List Of Commands
  • We are working all the time on new features
  • Send wishes for new features via /bug-report
  • Tell your friends about Link Protect
Last update: 30.07.2024
© Link Protect